About our Calculation Policy
The following calculation policy has been devised to meet the requirements of the Mathematics programme of study in the National Curriculum 2014 for the teaching and learning of mathematics. The Calculation Policy summarises some of the methods children should become fluent in using, as outlined in the full programme of study for Mathematics. It has been generated to give St Crispin’s children a consistent and smooth progression of learning in calculation across the school. Early learning in number and calculation in Reception follows the ‘Development Matters’ EYFS document, and this calculation policy is designed to build on progressively from the content and methods established in the Early Years Foundation Stage.
The calculation policy is organised according to age stage expectations as set out in the National Curriculum. However it is vital that pupils are taught according to the stage that they are currently working at being moved onto the next level as soon as they are ready, or working at a lower stage until they are secure enough to move on.