Year 1
Group and share small quantities
Using objects, diagrams and pictorial representations to solve problems involving both grouping and sharing.
How many groups of 4 can be made with 12 stars? = 3
Pupils should:
- use lots of practical apparatus, arrays and picture representations
- Be taught to understand the difference between “grouping” objects (How many groups of 2 can you make?) and “sharing” (Share these sweets between 2 people)
- Be able to count in multiples of 2s, 5s and 10s
- Find half of a group of objects by sharing into 2 equal groups
Key Vocabulary: share, share equally, one each, two each…, group, groups of, lots of, array
Key number skills needed for division at Y1:
- Solve one-step problems involving multiplication and division, by calculating the answer using concrete objects, pictorial representations arrays with the support of the teacher;
- Through grouping and sharing small quantities, pupils begin to understand, division, and finding simple fractions of objects, numbers and quantities;
- They make connections between arrays, number patterns, and counting in twos, fives and tens.
Year 2
Group and share, using the ÷ and = sign
Use objects, arrays, diagrams and pictorial representations, and grouping on a number line.
Key Vocabulary: share, share equally, one each, two each…, group, equal groups of, lots of, array, divide, divided by, divided into, division, grouping, number line, left, left over
Key number skills needed for division at Y2:
- Count in steps of 2, 3, and 5 from 0;
- Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables, including recognising odd and even numbers;
- Calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division within the multiplication tables and write them using the x, ÷ and = signs;
- Show that multiplication of two numbers can be done in any order (commutative) and division of one number by another cannot;
- Solve problems involving multiplication and division, using materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental methods, and multiplication and division facts, including problems in contexts.