Year 1
Add with numbers up to 20.
Use numbered number lines to add, by counting on in ones. Encourage children to start with the larger number and count on.

Children should:
- Have access to a wide range of counting equipment, everyday objects, number tracks and number lines, and be shown numbers in different contexts.
- Read and write the addition (+) and equals (=) signs within number sentences.
- Interpret addition number sentences and solve missing box problems, using concrete objects and number line addition to solve them:
8 + 3 = | 15 + 4 = | 5 + 3 + 1 = | + = 6
This builds on from prior learning of adding by combining two sets of objects into one group (5 cubes and 3 cubes) in Early Years.
Key vocabulary: add, more, plus, and, make, altogether, total, equal to, equals, double, most, count on, number line
Key skills for addition at Y1:
- Read and write numbers to 100 in numerals, and 1—20 in words;
- Recall bonds to 10 and 20, and addition facts within 20;
- Count to and across 100;
- Count in multiples of 1 2, 5 and 10;
- Solve simple 1-step problems involving addition, using objects, number lines and pictorial representations.
Year 2
Add with 2-digit numbers.
Developing mental fluency with addition and place value involving 2-digit numbers, then establish more formal methods
To support understanding, pupils may physically make and carry out the calculation with Dienes Base 10 apparatus or place value counters, then compare their practical version to the written form, to help them to build an understanding of it.
Key vocabulary: add, more, plus, and, make, altogether, total, equal to, equals, double, most, count on, number line, sum, tens, units, partition, addition, column, tens boundary
Key skills for addition at Y2:
- Add a 2-digit number and ones (e.g. 27 + 6);
- Add a 2-digit number and tens (e.g. 23 + 40);
- Add pairs of 2-digit numbers (e.g. 35 + 47);
- Add three single-digit numbers (e.g. 5 + 9 + 7);
- Show that adding can be done in any order (the commutative law);
- Recall bonds to 20 and bonds of tens to 100 (30 + 70 etc.);
- Count in steps of 2, 3 and 5 and count in tens from any number;
- Understand the place value of 2-digit numbers (tens and ones);
- Compare and order numbers to 100 using < > and = signs;
- Read and write numbers to at least 100 in numerals and words;
- Solve problems with addition, using concrete objects/pictorial representations, involving numbers, quantities and measures, and applying mental and written methods.